Navarro Research and Engineering, Inc., a premier woman-owned small business contractor to the United States government, has been awarded the Environmental Program Services (EPS) contract for the Department of Energy (DOE) Environmental Management (EM) Nevada Program.* The contract period is ten years.
Navarro is the incumbent EPS contractor for EM Nevada, having led strategic initiatives over the last 17 years that resulted in nationally recognized environmental risk and liability reductions at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), formerly known as the Nevada Test Site. Under previous NEPS contracts, Navarro completed regulatory closure of 755 Soils and Industrial Sites, bringing these projects to successful end states for long-term monitoring. Navarro also led the transfer of nearly 80 Corrective Action Sites to the DOE Office of Legacy Management, including the recent handover of several sites on and around Nevada’s historic Tonopah Test Range – representing the first such EM to LM transfer for the Department in approximately 12 years.
“Our commitment to our client is to continue to provide exceptional, safe, and cost-effective services that best protect people and the environment through our varied project missions in the State of Nevada,” said NEPS Program Manager Dave Taylor. “Additionally, we understand the importance of corporate citizenship, and plan to continue supporting Nye and Clark Counties, and the greater Las Vegas region, through interaction with local and regional communities, businesses, charitable organizations, and school systems.”
The new Nevada EPS contract will continue to be led by Dave Taylor, PMP, REM, who contributes over 40 years of demonstrated leadership in meeting DOE requirements and objectives, including safety expectations, risk reduction targets, completion criteria, and partnering goals. Joining Mr. Taylor’s key personnel team will be Marilew Bartling, as Radioactive Waste Acceptance Program (RWAP) Manager; Tom Bastian, CHP, CSP, as Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Manager; Ray Mele, as Program Integration (PI) Manager; and Ken Rehfeldt, PhD, as Underground Test Area (UGTA) Manager.
Through its work on the new Nevada EPS Contract, Navarro will continue to develop and implement technically sound, risk-informed approaches to deliver a safe, high quality, accelerated, and lower-cost cleanup program at the NNSS. As an example, Navarro’s offered approach includes using state-of-the-art drilling techniques that can be easily modified to address site conditions and will lower the cost of groundwater characterization and monitoring. Over the duration of the ten-year contract, it is anticipated that Navarro will assist the EM Nevada Program in reaching key end-states, while ensuring groundwater protection, facility closure, and long-term stewardship. Navarro will also focus on transparently ensuring the integrity of the disposal process at the NNSS Radioactive Waste Management Complex.
Amentum will be joining Navarro as a teaming subcontractor on the Nevada EPS contract, specializing in field and engineering support. Amentum’s knowledge and experience across the DOE complex will help EM Nevada reach key end states.
For more information about Navarro’s work on other federal contracts, please visit For more information about Amentum’s work on other federal contracts, please visit